Free Spyware removers are all over the internet, and because of the mechanics of demand and supply, their needs status have just increased ten fold over the past few years. Spyware is a big problem on the internet and the funny thing is, over 90% of people using computers at this very moment do not even know that their computer is being chocked, drawn and quartered by malicious software that is slowly eating away at system resources, stealing valuable information and taking control over the machinery that you paid good money for. Free doesn't necessarily mean useless, and many have asked whether a free Spyware remover really works. I'm here to say emphatically that yes, it does.
It is not a question about price, but a question of performance versus promise. I mean, we are all smart people, and in this capitalist society we know that nobody does anything over the cash cow that is the internet for free. But just look at it another way; sure, maybe in a few months they might ask you to upgrade to a premium service for a small fee, or maybe it won't be free next time. But let's look at the performance of the software, and what it can deliver to anyone wanting to rid their computer of infectious and pandemic software like Spyware. I always concentrate on the deliverables - not dynamics.
I test drove three different pieces of software on my computer, including those from Norton and MacAfee just as a litmus test, and there were several things that I noticed almost immediately. While I won't take away anything from Norton and MacAfee, I noticed that the free software were much better focused, much quicker and defined in their approach and layout. Within minutes they had done a brief scan and my computer was identified as being infected with more than 10 different types of Spyware. These malignant buggers had hooked themselves onto various parts of my system, from critical data files, to temporary folders - even my internet cache had them running around. They had been highlighted as programs I had no idea existed running in the background, toolbars installed in cryptic areas and surprisingly enough - a lone adware program that was constantly connecting to the internet and giving my email freely away.
From over five different categories, recognizing more than 40 different ailments, I promptly pressed the 'fix all' button and sat back as the software did its noble work of rescuing my fair maiden of a desktop. This clueless state I was in can be transposed to computer users all over the world - ignorantly bliss-like, sitting in a golden raft while slowly traversing a calm river; towards a gushing firewall where everything will crash within moments. In a few quick minutes, my computer was clear and there was a noticeable difference in responsiveness. The old lad had some of its bite back, and all I had to thank for was a completely free piece of software that I had downloaded from the internet.
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