computer info dos command image

I want to delete all my files on my computer because I want to get rid of the computer.
I am using Windows XP?
What do I type at the c prompt?
Use the command "DELTREE", which is actually a DOS program that deletes ALL files in the current drive. If this fails, try "FORMAT C:". If all else fails, try to find a DOS program that deletes all the files on your computer. Remember, don't type the "" marks! For more info, get the out-of-print book "DOS for Dummies" by Dan Gookin. It lists most of the commands used in DOS.
Use the command "DELTREE", which is actually a DOS program that deletes ALL files in the current drive. If this fails, try "FORMAT C:". If all else fails, try to find a DOS program that deletes all the files on your computer. Remember, don't type the "" marks! For more info, get the out-of-print book "DOS for Dummies" by Dan Gookin. It lists most of the commands used in DOS.
How can I work in DOS in windows 2000 enviorment?

I have Fox base programmes which can be operated only in DOS. But, my computer is loaded with windows 2000. It seems that windows 2000 will not support DOS. How can I make the windows 2000 to spport DOS.Is there any possiblility or way ? Switching between dos and windows 2000 is possible but it takes lot of time, alsoe I have to work simulteneouly with both the systems. Please guide me anyone who knows.
Windows 2000 and other versions of Windows support a command subset of MS DOS as they were all originally built on DOS and IBM OS/2. Do you need something more than the command subset provided by running Foxbase in compatibility mode or in a command window?
If so, you might set up a dual boot system where you create a small second FAT (not NTFS or FAT32) partition with a fully bootable MS DOS install on it.
Fortunately, compatibility mode or the command line/windowed mode has generally been all that has been necessary for me to be able to get even the oldest software to work including an old piece of Clarion based software. It's ugly but it works. For some of the old databases you may have to create and tweak the config.sys, particularly the files and handles settings otherwise they will puke and die like a dog.
E-mail if I can be of help.
Addendum from updated info: Virtual OS or Virtual Machines capability is clearly what is needed in this instance either via Windows Vista Business version built-in Virtual OS or add-on software called VMWare that will allow user to install and run multiple operating systems and create virtual machines from their Windows desktop.
Windows 2000 and other versions of Windows support a command subset of MS DOS as they were all originally built on DOS and IBM OS/2. Do you need something more than the command subset provided by running Foxbase in compatibility mode or in a command window?
If so, you might set up a dual boot system where you create a small second FAT (not NTFS or FAT32) partition with a fully bootable MS DOS install on it.
Fortunately, compatibility mode or the command line/windowed mode has generally been all that has been necessary for me to be able to get even the oldest software to work including an old piece of Clarion based software. It's ugly but it works. For some of the old databases you may have to create and tweak the config.sys, particularly the files and handles settings otherwise they will puke and die like a dog.
E-mail if I can be of help.
Addendum from updated info: Virtual OS or Virtual Machines capability is clearly what is needed in this instance either via Windows Vista Business version built-in Virtual OS or add-on software called VMWare that will allow user to install and run multiple operating systems and create virtual machines from their Windows desktop.
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