Many of us by now have probably managed to amass rather large and impressive collections CDs, DVDs and game discs. As these collections age questions of maintenance and recovery from scratch damage arise.
Many scratched DVD discs or other discs can simply be replaced at minimal cost and this holds true for CDs and game discs as well.
However the same can't be said for scratched discs that are original recordings of your own personal memories such as home movies and digital photos stored on discs. Also you may possess scratched games discs, scratched DVDs or scratched CDs that you can't buy any more.
The obvious answer to this is to create backups and copies of these discs before they are subjected to "wear and tear" but sometimes we forget to do that until it is too late!So what can you do to recover the data from a scratched CD, game disc or DVD?
The final method of handling CD and DVD scratch repair is by using a CD DVD scratch repair machine.
If the software method or the "do it yourself" method haven't worked then try this final way!
Unfortunately this subject is not a simple as it appears. CD DVD scratch repair devices must perform a pretty difficult job. They are all trying to re-surface a piece of clear polycarbonate plastic to a very high standard so that a laser beam can pass through uninterrupted.
There are lots of inexpensive CD DVD disc repair machines available thet really are a waste of your time and your money.
There are three tiers of machine separated by price range and the truth is that you get what you pay for.
This doesn't mean you have to fork out over $1000 to buy an effective repair machine, but on the other hand obtaining perfect results from a $20 machine is not going to happen!
By far the most effective CD DVD disc repair machines for the home user come in at just over the $120 mark and for that price you can get a very good machine that will handle your discs well.
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There are 3 main ways you can approach this problem.
The first and safest method is by using a software solution to the problem.
There are a number of specialist software products available that have DVD error correction capabilities built-in or have been specifically designed for this purpose.Whether you are successful or not with this method depends on the degree of scratch damage the disc has sustained but it is the best because it doesn't interfere with the surface." Win or lose with this method the scratched disc is exactly the same as it was when you began.
Your second choice is to attempt to repair the CD DVD scratches by hand yourself.
There are many "do it yourself" websites and on-line videos that will show you how to use home products to repair scratched DVDs. You can use toothpaste, Brasso or even Pledge!
There is always the possible problem here of it going wrong in which case things are now worse than when you commenced! Of course if you get it right… you look like a genius!
I look at it this way: If you are the kind of person who can read instructions and follow them TO THE LETTER to get the desired result and also "conceptually" understand WHY it is done that way then you should be fine.
If you have the slightest doubt this is definitely not for you!The final method of handling CD and DVD scratch repair is by using a CD DVD scratch repair machine.
If the software method or the "do it yourself" method haven't worked then try this final way!
Unfortunately this subject is not a simple as it appears. CD DVD scratch repair devices must perform a pretty difficult job. They are all trying to re-surface a piece of clear polycarbonate plastic to a very high standard so that a laser beam can pass through uninterrupted.
There are lots of inexpensive CD DVD disc repair machines available thet really are a waste of your time and your money.
There are three tiers of machine separated by price range and the truth is that you get what you pay for.
This doesn't mean you have to fork out over $1000 to buy an effective repair machine, but on the other hand obtaining perfect results from a $20 machine is not going to happen!
By far the most effective CD DVD disc repair machines for the home user come in at just over the $120 mark and for that price you can get a very good machine that will handle your discs well.
May be you wanna read about My Other Guide at :
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