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In what ways has computer technology negatively impacted society? How has it positively?
I am writing a synthesis argument paper for a class and the topic is whether computer technology has had more of a negative impact or a positive impact on society.
I am trying to make a list of both positive and negative impacts and am in need of some more ideas. What do you think?
i) reducing cost / number of staff needed.
ii) Reducing amount of hardware (printers) due to LAN networking.
iii) Fun - games, Internet, music, graphics.
iv) Communication. More ways to interact globally.
v) Education - access to info for research.
vi) 3rd world - cheaper to provide laptops thean to send books over (OLPC, etc)..
i) Hardcore porn industry (including child porn)
ii) Hackers, ID fraud and spoof websites,
iii) Virusses, spam and trojans.
iv) Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking.
v) People unable to interact 'in person'.
vi) Online gambling.
Hope these help!
i) reducing cost / number of staff needed.
ii) Reducing amount of hardware (printers) due to LAN networking.
iii) Fun - games, Internet, music, graphics.
iv) Communication. More ways to interact globally.
v) Education - access to info for research.
vi) 3rd world - cheaper to provide laptops thean to send books over (OLPC, etc)..
i) Hardcore porn industry (including child porn)
ii) Hackers, ID fraud and spoof websites,
iii) Virusses, spam and trojans.
iv) Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking.
v) People unable to interact 'in person'.
vi) Online gambling.
Hope these help!
How much does "physical appearence" matter in the information technology field?

I am currently in school for Computer Information Systems Networking at a State University.I already have some certifications and plan on getting more so my resume shouldn't look too bad.My concern is I have long hair and a lenghty beard(typical "biker look").Will this seriously hamper me from obtaining employment in the Info Technology Field?
Honestly it really shouldn't matter what you look like, but what you know. Most businesses have appearance standards though. If you don't try to look professional when going to an interview, they may think that you don't take the job seriously and not hire you. With the job market the way that it is, companies are being more selective on who they hire because there is a larger pool of people looking for jobs.
Honestly it really shouldn't matter what you look like, but what you know. Most businesses have appearance standards though. If you don't try to look professional when going to an interview, they may think that you don't take the job seriously and not hire you. With the job market the way that it is, companies are being more selective on who they hire because there is a larger pool of people looking for jobs.
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